Martin Steele
Filed under: Authors

I was born and raised in Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa. I was educated at King Edward VII School where I first found my love for words. I settled in Delray Beach, Florida in 1999. My first real success was in 1951 when my poem "The Fall" appeared in a new English literary magazine, Nimbus. In South Africa I won the Sunday Star's Contest in 1992 for "Language of the Heart".
My poem "I'm Still Waiting", concerning 9/11, was published in the Great Books Florida News Letter (February 1, 2002) and another poem, "Picture a World Gone By (...11 September 2001)", was included in the September 28, 2001 edition. I was a finalist in the 2003 Winning Writers War Poetry Contest for my epic poem "Sarel and Samson".
Winning Entry: Service and Set
Contest Won: Tom Howard/John H. Reid Poetry Contest 2006, Most Highly Commended
Winning Entry: Omaha. Day one. The Day-6 June
Contest Won: Tom Howard/John H. Reid Poetry Contest 2008, Highly Commended
Winning Entry: Single Malt
Contest Won: Tom Howard/John H. Reid Poetry Contest 2009, Highly Commended
Winning Entry: Almost Light
Contest Won: Tom Howard/John H. Reid Poetry Contest 2011, First Prize
Winning Entry: Sarel and Samson
Contest Won: War Poetry Contest 2003, Finalist
Winning Entry: Can We Believe Them?
Contest Won: War Poetry Contest 2007, Finalist