Ned Condini
Filed under: Authors

Ned Condini, writer, translator and literary critic, received the PEN/Poggioli Award for his versions of poet Mario Luzi (New York, 1986). Short stories and poems of his have appeared in Translation (New York), The Mississippi Review, Prairie Schooner, The Partisan Review, Mid-American Review, Negative Capability, Italian Americana, Chelsea, Yale Review and The Village Voice.
In May 1994, Condini's collection of poems, Rimbaud in Umbria, was published by Multigraf (Venice). In November 1996, his collection quartettsatz was published by VIA, Purdue University (West Lafayette, Ind.) At present he is completing his third novel, Tornado, and a selection of Modern and Contemporary Italian Poetry (1855-1955) for the Modern Language Association (New York). Read from his work at:
Winning Entry: 1960-2002, A Testimony
Contest Won: War Poetry Contest 2002, First Prize