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Critiques for Books and Manuscripts
This page is for critiques of full-length books and manuscripts. (For critiques of short works under 6,000 words, please click here. For critiques of children's picture books, please click here.)
Winning Writers has engaged contest judge and literary scholar Annie Mydla to provide expert private critiques of your books and manuscripts, published or unpublished, that have up to 200,000 words. Annie has read thousands of self-published books in her work as assistant judge for our North Street Book Prize. She is also a published literary scholar whose works can be found in Avant Literary Journal, Joseph Conrad Today, and most recently in the international journal Świat i Słowo ("World and Word"). Annie is assisted by Paweł Zagawa and Ewa Stachyra.
"Reading for the North Street Book Prize has taught me how to view books from a bird's-eye perspective, and to help authors do the same. In my critique, I'll examine how the specific details of your work interact with the wider picture, and respectfully suggest concrete paths for reworking and new development." You can view a sample critique by Annie here, and read her insights about what makes a prizewinning book in her guest blog post for the Alliance of Independent Authors.
Our critique service is best for manuscripts that:
- Are written with commercial intent (finding an agent, finding a publisher, maximizing sales in a self- or hybrid-publishing context)
- Feel "stuck" or lack direction
- Are over or under the recommended wordcount for the genre
- Keep getting rejected, but it's not clear what to do about it
- Lack a distinct genre or intended audience
- Might contain dated, cliché, or exploitative content, which the author wants help in identifying and removing
This service is not recommended for manuscripts that:
- Were written primarily to serve the author on a personal basis (i.e., to process emotions and memories, to serve as a family record, or to provide an artistic outlet without commercial intent)
- Already feel finished to the author (the author has no desire to make substantial changes in a future draft)
Please submit a digital copy of your work. You may upload it as two files if your book and cover are separate files. It is acceptable to leave identifying information on your documents. We will keep your submission private, and we will provide your critique for your personal use (i.e. please don't publish our critique without our permission).
You can expect your critique to be 1,500-3,000 words long. It will include the following sections as relevant:
- Critique summary
- Structure and content (character, plot, theme, setting, internal consistency, structure, pacing, use of exploitative tropes)
- Use of language (register, tone, tonal consistency, literary devices, artistic style, imagery, sense of mastery, relation to themes)
- Technical execution (layout, spelling and grammar, technical consistency, technical quality of any illustrations, font, accessibility)
- Recommendations and conclusion
- Exercises to unlock creativity
You may also submit up to 3 specific questions to be answered by Annie within her critique.
We seek to provide perspectives that will provoke new ideas and directions for future drafts. Please allow six weeks for your critique to be completed. After delivery, we will welcome one round of follow-up questions from you.
Price: $240. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. If our critique does not deliver value for you, you can request a prompt refund from adam@winningwriters.com.

Graham Campbell
"Your feedback was very helpful for many reasons. First of all, you gave me alternatives to consider about format without criticizing my writing. Very gentle. I have devoured every word of your suggested readings and taken copious notes. And I'll spend time with them today. Also, you provided me with several very actionable exercises which are very helpful. I have purchased feedback several times previously and been disappointed. Yours was by far superior." read more
"Your response to my manuscript was wonderful. I followed your advice after I read it and let it sit for a while. And returned to it on this day after what I consider a disastrous election. I am burying myself in it as a way to hunker down away from everything political. Thank you for providing this unexpected service!
"Your feedback was very helpful for many reasons. First of all, you gave me alternatives to consider about format without criticizing my writing. Very gentle. I have devoured every word of your suggested readings and taken copious notes. And I'll spend time with them today. Also, you provided me with several very actionable exercises which are very helpful. I have purchased feedback several times previously and been disappointed. Yours was by far superior.
"At this point, I am also working on what I want it to evolve into. Of course, I want to publish it but I don't think I have another 20,000 words. But that question will be answered over time."
-Graham Campbell
Mark Howen
"I want to commend you on your professionalism. You followed up in a timely manner, and you were extremely thorough in your critique with all the excellent topic sites that I needed to read and consider. Your advice is well received and appreciated." read more
"I want to commend you on your professionalism. You followed up in a timely manner, and you were extremely thorough in your critique with all the excellent topic sites that I needed to read and consider. Your advice is well received and appreciated. I've been reading various books on writing and with your added materials to absorb I see the next steps I must take to improve my ideas for my story. Thank you for your time and honesty. Your supervisor is sharp to have you on their staff; you are a total asset to your business. I'll be in touch." -Mark Howen
Sigrid Schmalzer
"I highly recommend 'upgrading' to include a Zoom call with Annie...it meant that the ten-page final critique Annie delivered not only addressed exactly the questions I wanted answered, but also built in very helpful ways on what was already a very substantive conversation." read more
"I can't recommend this service enough. Annie's understanding of literature is truly impressive, and I was amazed at how much time and thoughtfulness she invested in my project. She took the trouble to understand who I am, why I want to write this book, and what kinds of skills and deficits I bring. And then she tailored her feedback and advice accordingly... I feel not only read but seen, not only helped but inspired. I highly recommend 'upgrading' to include a Zoom call with Annie...it meant that the ten-page final critique Annie delivered not only addressed exactly the questions I wanted answered, but also built in very helpful ways on what was already a very substantive conversation." -Sigrid Schmalzer
Jerri Derlikowski
"I highly recommend her services to any new or struggling writer." read more
"Annie's review was a big help to me in identifying strengths and potential improvements in my manuscript. She provided much assistance and many references for my next steps. Her input was constructive and encouraging. I highly recommend her services to any new or struggling writer." -Jerri Derlikowski
Renee Rojas
"Your critique is the first one that has been very helpful. (The others just gave a few vague suggestions - I often wondered if they actually read the book.)" read more
"I want to thank you, very much, for your critique of my first attempt at novel writing. Having no idea what I was doing, I entered the novel into a number of 'competitions' in an attempt to get feedback. Your critique is the first one that has been very helpful. (The others just gave a few vague suggestions - I often wondered if they actually read the book.) To be honest, I was at a point of putting the whole novel writing idea aside, even though I truly enjoy it. Your suggestions and included links are so helpful. I am planning to sit down with the story and go through it bit by bit, learn more about the entire writing experience, and encourage myself to open my mind to expanded ideas and thoughts." -Renee Rojas (purchased a discounted critique with their North Street Book Prize submission)
Irene Rochelle
"I recently received my very helpful and thorough critique from Annie Mydia. This came weeks after another critique from another such competition so I have another to compare. Annie’s feedback was exemplary!" read more
"I entered my book in a North Street e-book competition. I recently received my very helpful and thorough critique from Annie Mydia. This came weeks after another critique from another such competition so I have another to compare. Annie’s feedback was exemplary! She provided concrete examples of my work and the suggestions for improvement specific to my writing. In addition she provided links of further tutorials specific to her suggestions. Annie helped provide for me direction with map on how to take my writing next level. She also pointed out strengths with specific examples which always goes down like fine Champagne for a new writer. Shot Glass was a long book, 350 pp for a memoir. I felt she took it all in and honored the task she was given above and beyond. ( I have homework! 😊 )" -Irene Rochelle (purchased a discounted critique with their North Street Book Prize submission)
Edward Alban
"It showed fairness and constructiveness, and it made the experience worthwhile for me." read more
"This is to let you know how gratified I am over the notes, citations, links and suggestions that Annie Mydla provided me in critiquing my entry for the Winning Writers contest. Winning isn’t everything. Sometimes you win even as you lose. I appreciate the effort she demonstrated in providing criticisms and suggestions. It showed fairness and constructiveness, and it made the experience worthwhile for me." -Edward Alban (purchased a discounted critique with their North Street Book Prize submission)
Michael Mullin
"...the offer to ask questions and converse with contest judges is pretty unusual. What a cool feature!" read more
"I recently entered the North Street contest, and although I didn’t advance, I did have a great critical email exchange with Annie. You don’t need me to tell you the offer to ask questions and converse with contest judges is pretty unusual. What a cool feature! Thanks for that. Annie had some great things to say about my novel, and I took advantage of her offer to ask a question or two. We ended up going back and forth a few times during which she was helpful, insightful, and (of course) super professional. As I told her, I’m taking some of the things she said to heart as I progress on my new book." -Michael Mullin (purchased a discounted critique with their North Street Book Prize submission)
Paul Moser
"It was very useful to be able to exchange a few follow-up emails, which brought into clearer focus the various changes that might well have made for a better, tighter book." read more
"Just to let you know that I was very impressed with the critique and follow-up that I received from Annie Mydla. She offered some perspectives that had not occurred to me and that will prove helpful, I'm sure, in the future. It was very useful to be able to exchange a few follow-up emails, which brought into clearer focus the various changes that might well have made for a better, tighter book." -Paul Moser (purchased a discounted critique with their North Street Book Prize submission)
Melanie Hatter
"She delivered exactly what was promised, and more!" read more
"I'm so grateful to Annie for her insightful and thorough feedback. She helped me see what I was too in the weeds to see and allowed me to begin a needed rewrite with a fresh perspective. She delivered exactly what was promised, and more!" -Melanie Hatter
Mary Gould
"The biggest service from this review/critique is the boost to my confidence that being a novelist is possible..." read more
"The biggest service from this review/critique is the boost to my confidence that being a novelist is possible and the takeaway that I have the basic writing skills that with practice and training will one day culminate into publishing. A priceless gift. Thank you for reassuring me that I have the tools to make the work better; such encouragement is vital to a fledging writer like me who is always plagued with self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy. You have done a stellar job on my MS and I look forward to engaging your services again in the near future." -Mary Gould
Owen Katz
"I believe that the value of your critique so far outweighed the cost, I feel kind of guilty." read more
"I much appreciate your very thorough and thoughtful analysis. I was happy to read some of it, not so much other of it, but you delivered exactly what I was looking for: an objective and honest critique of what parts were good and what parts were not, what worked and what did not. It gave me an exceedingly useful perspective not only on this project, but on writing generally. I have no doubt that if I incorporate your comments I will have materially improved the quality of the manuscript. I believe that the value of your critique so far outweighed the cost, I feel kind of guilty." -Owen Katz
Mandy Brauer
"This resulted in my two books, This Is Life and Other Stories For Teens About the Middle East and Welcomed: Poems and Essays about Egypt and Gaza, Palestine being accepted for publication by a European publisher!" read more
"The major change that was suggested in this excellent critique was that I divide the material into two books, and Annie even did this for me. She pointed out that my writing styles were very different in the short stories and the poems and personal essays, the latter being for an older audience. This resulted in my two books, This Is Life and Other Stories For Teens About the Middle East and Welcomed: Poems and Essays about Egypt and Gaza, Palestine being accepted for publication by a European publisher!" -Mandy Brauer
Gregory Wilson Taylor
"Simply put, Annie Mydla is the most caring and helpful 'critiquer' and beta reader I've worked with in many, many years." read more
"Simply put, Annie Mydla is the most caring and helpful 'critiquer' and beta reader I've worked with in many, many years. Her intelligence, literary experience, and professionalism have been invaluable as I work through the drafts of my two latest novel manuscripts. She is both generous and direct, providing treasured insights and suggestions without imposing her own vision on mine. I can't recommend her highly enough." -Gregory Wilson Taylor
Damon Polmanteer
"I spent five times the amount of money on a line-by-line editorial assessment for a short story collection a few years ago, yet your critique was infinitely more comprehensive and helpful." read more
"I received your critique of The Psychic Garden, and it was amazing! Worth every penny. I spent five times the amount of money on a line-by-line editorial assessment for a short story collection a few years ago, yet your critique was infinitely more comprehensive and helpful. I will definitely be a returning customer for future works." -Damon Polmanteer
Geraldine Birch
"I am so pleased that Winning Writers offered this service!" read more
"Oh, my goodness, have you made my day! Thank you so much for your insight into this memoir. You have brought forth so many inspiring comments about this that I shall be able to trudge on; I certainly had hit a writer's block as to how to make the memoir better. I am so pleased that Winning Writers offered this service! I thank you from the bottom of my heart." -Geraldine Birch
Jake Egan
"...the insight you've given has been genuinely great..." read more
"Both your initial feedback and your follow-up feedback on my questions were sensational. I've done a lot of writing courses & feedback sessions etc. and the insight you've given has been genuinely great, so just wanted to say thank you again." -Jake Egan
DK Coutant
"...you assuaged my largest fears, and gave me concrete suggestions on how I can fix the weak parts." read more
"Wow! I just got finished reading through your critique. It is extremely helpful! I'm not sure what I was expecting, but you assuaged my largest fears, and gave me concrete suggestions on how I can fix the weak parts. I really, really appreciate the time and effort you put into my manuscript." -DK Coutant
Judy Saunders
"Your critique was so spot on that it was stunning...I'm through with the exercises you recommend and am now starting to integrate them into the story and can already see the difference." read more
"So, wow. I was super concerned about dipping my toe into this, so much so I had my daughter read your critique first and piecemeal out the bad news. I am floored at how helpful this was. Your critique was so spot on that it was stunning... I'd love to do this with another of my manuscripts... I'm through with the exercises you recommend and am now starting to integrate them into the story and can already see the difference." -Judy Saunders
Claire Sheridan
"The exercises you provided were exactly the coaching I needed - INVALUABLE!" read more
"Thank you SO MUCH for all of your insights and feedback. I appreciate all of the thought you put into your critique, and I am feeling a renewed enthusiasm for returning to this book after I give it your recommended breathing time. The exercises you provided were exactly the coaching I needed - INVALUABLE! This has been most helpful and I will definitely reach out to Winning Writers in the future for your services." -Claire Sheridan
Keith L
"The quality of the critique is not diminished by its affordability. Just the opposite." read more
"Annie is professional but doesn't let that stymie her enthusiasm for your work. She is thoughtful and thorough, produces pointers you can adhere to, while drawing your attention to areas you can improve on. You get the impression she appreciates the effort a writer has made to craft a story and does her best to help them improve their work. The quality of the critique is not diminished by its affordability. Just the opposite. You can spend a lot of money - and I have - on competitor's critiques. Despite the big price they don't necessarily give you the help you need." -Keith L., Nevada
Ennis Begley
"The critique was thorough (she actually read the whole thing!) and gave me specific actions and exercises to improve my language choices and the flow of my storyline." read more
"Annie Mydla's critique was exactly what I needed to jumpstart my manuscript. After months of little progress and feelings of self-doubt, Annie's concrete advice and words of encouragement breathed new life into my project. The critique was thorough (she actually read the whole thing!) and gave me specific actions and exercises to improve my language choices and the flow of my storyline. I was immediately excited to get to work—she had somehow achieved the tricky balance of giving real criticism without being discouraging. Great experience overall." -Ennis Begley
Robert Berger
"I've already started the re-write because of your excellent suggestions." read more
"Thank you so much for your in-depth critique; clearly I've got some work to do. Your suggestions for improvement were spot on and I appreciate the list of humor publishers you provided me for future reference. I've already started the re-write because of your excellent suggestions." -Robert Berger
Linda Summersea
"Annie Mydla's critique of my manuscript was superb and more helpful than I could have imagined." read more
"Annie Mydla's critique of my manuscript was superb and more helpful than I could have imagined. Her notes and suggestions were spot on in identifying ways to improve my memoir manuscript in several important capacities...The Zoom was essential in establishing a rapport between Annie and me. I was able to discuss elements that I hoped she might address in the critique—parts to cut, parts to develop, and any issues of voice or other." -Linda Summersea
Kevin Irwin
"I am now more motivated then ever to dust off this manuscript and start filling in some of the blanks you pointed out." read more
"You have such a keen insight into what is going on in this story. I especially love the harsher side of the critique. You hit every weakness I have with this manuscript. I love the entire critique, it is honest, on point, and in my opinion it felt like it came from the heart. I was on the verge of throwing this piece out, and sticking to short stories only. I am now more motivated then ever to dust off this manuscript and start filling in some of the blanks you pointed out. I will reread your critique, and start the exercises tonight. It means a great deal to me that I was blessed enough to get your unique, and powerful point of view. Thank you." -Kevin Irwin
Robin Fay-McNair
"In Ms. Mydla's critique, she expressed enthusiasm about my story and insightful recommendations on the importance of format and punctuation." read more
"I want to relay how much I have appreciated Annie Mydla's critique of my manuscript Angel Unleashed. In Ms. Mydla's critique, she expressed enthusiasm about my story and insightful recommendations on the importance of format and punctuation. She offered specific examples of areas where I could enhance one of my characters and links where I could find articles addressing these areas. Her critique has given me valuable exercises in looking at my novel and a store of additional links to more information that will be invaluable." -Robin Fay-McNair
Doug Sherr
"Annie critiqued my manuscript 'Impromptu' and seldom have I been happier with a service." read more
"Annie critiqued my manuscript Impromptu and seldom have I been happier with a service. She figured it out, gave strong direction on how to improve it, and was kind and thoughtful throughout. I'm beavering away and the 100,200 word count is down to 78k with a 80-85k goal in sight. Thank you for this opportunity and have great summer." -Doug Sherr
Alex Barr
"Annie's critique is the most useful response I could have asked for, leading me to a much clearer understanding of where I should focus my future efforts." read more
"I'm very grateful for [Annie's critique of my novel, Epitaph for a Lie]. It's extremely thorough, detailed, and full of insights, and has made things much clearer to me. Sometimes the main value of feedback is to draw attention to aspects of one's writing that aren't likely to lead anywhere, enabling one to spend time on projects with more potential.
"I've struggled with this novel for—believe it or not—thirty years. An early draft earned me lunch with an editor at Faber & Faber whose advice amounted to 'interesting but not commercial'. To have similar advice now makes me realize that the effort of disentangling conflicting threads and re-examining the whole structure is beyond my ability, and that my time is more usefully spent on short fiction and poetry, at which I've had reasonable success.
"I'm grateful for Annie's suggestions for improving my prose style, and believe short fiction and essays will prove to be the best vehicles for these exercises.
"To sum up, Annie's critique is the most useful response I could have asked for, leading me to a much clearer understanding of where I should focus my future efforts." -Alex Barr
Pete West
"She provided a good balance of both strengths and opportunities in enough detail to allow me to actually impact style and content." read more
"Just wanted to acknowledge the great feedback I received from Annie. As a newer writer this kind of literary review is very helpful and instructive. She provided a good balance of both strengths and opportunities in enough detail to allow me to actually impact style and content. I look forward to using the service again for any future endeavors." -Pete West
Yusuf DeLorenzo
"Although the manuscript I submitted to her for an assessment was polished with the help of a professional editor and vetted by an eclectic group of beta readers, Annie’s insights and suggestions have proved invaluable." read more
"I have had the good fortune to work with Annie Mydla recently and the experience was not one I’ll soon forget. Although the manuscript I submitted to her for an assessment was polished with the help of a professional editor and vetted by an eclectic group of beta readers, Annie’s insights and suggestions have proved invaluable. Annie is logical and methodical and is possessed of a startlingly perceptive sense of what and how things like character and plot can work within a given context. I can say without hesitation that her sensitivity to the needs of both the writing and the market has afforded me important perspectives on my work, and I would recommend her to anyone seeking a learned and nuanced opinion of what they are writing." -Yusuf DeLorenzo