Our Sponsors
Our sponsors have been selected for their quality and relevance to you. Let them know we sent you! Want to advertise? Click here
- 40 Short Poems by Jim DuBois
- 42 Miles Press Poetry Prize
- 92NY: Advanced Workshops in Poetry, Fiction, Memoir, and More
- 92NY: Discovery Poetry Contest
- About Place Journal
- Achilles and the Queen by Kyle Derek McDonald
- Adavera by Rachael A.Z. Mutabingwa
- Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfels: International Relocation Coach
- American Writers & Artists Institute (AWAI)
- The Antigone Poems by Marie Slaight
- AppSumo Brings You the Best Digital Tools for Authors–at a Discount!
- The Art of Symeon Shimin by Tonia Shimin
- Atmosphere Press: The A-List Program
- Atmosphere Press: Book Publishing Timeline Calculator
- Atmosphere Press: Open Call for Submissions
- Atmosphere Press: The Playa Flamingo Writing Residency in Costa Rica
- Atmosphere Press: The Publishing Potential Quiz
- Atmosphere Press: Schedule Your Free Publication Consultation
- Aunty Jane Knits Up a Storm by Steve Wolfson
- The 2018 Autumn House Press Poetry, Fiction, and Nonfiction Contests
- Autumn House Press: The Rising Writer Contest
- Backbone Press Annual Chapbook Competition
- The Backwaters Prize
- Badge of Honor by Karen Glinski
- Beatrice by Ellen LaFleche
- Berkshire Prize for a First or Second Book of Poetry Sponsored by Tupelo Press
- The Best of FundsforWriters, Vol. 1
- BkMk Press Prizes for Poetry and Short Fiction
- Black on Madison Avenue by Mark S. Robinson
- Black Spring Press: Best Opening for a Crime/Thriller Novel Prize
- Blackwax Boulevard: Five Years, What a Surprise (2012-2017) by Dmitri Jackson
- Blackwax Boulevard Is Listening by Dmitri Jackson
- The Blessed by Kyle Derek McDonald
- Blood Flower by Pamela Uschuk
- BLR Literary Prizes
- BlueCat Screenplay Competition
- The Blue Lynx Prize for Poetry
- The Blue Mountain Review: Call for Submissions
- Book Award Pro
- Brick Road Poetry Book Contest
- Broken Pencil Presents The Indie Writer's Deathmatch
- The Bronx Trilogy by W R Rodriguez, a North Street First Prize Winner for Poetry
- The Bruise of Your Absence by Cris Mulvey
- The Brush & Lyre Prize from Palette Poetry
- Bullies in Love by Jendi Reiter
- Campfire Pro
- The Carve Magazine Prose & Poetry Contest
- Carve Magazine Raymond Carver Short Story Contest
- Catalyst Creative Coaching with Lindsay Merbaum
- Charlotte Lit Annual Lit/South Awards
- Choosing Life by Leslie Sussan
- CineStory Feature Retreat for Screenwriters
- Cleaver's Form and Form-Breaking Poetry Contest
- Coffee House Confessions by Ellaraine Lockie
- The Colorado Prize for Poetry
- The Connecticut Poetry Society Presents The Vivian Shipley Award
- The Corpse Bloom by Bryan Wiggins
- CRAFT First Chapters Contest
- CRAFT Novelette Print Prize
- CRAFT Short Fiction Prize
- C.S. Lakin's 8 Weeks to Writing a Commercially Successful Novel
- Custom Front Cover Art for Your Poetry Books
- CUTTHROAT Online Writing Mentorships and Manuscript Evaluations
- CUTTHROAT's Poetry and Nonfiction Awards
- Dancing Poetry Contest
- The Daphne Review Online Mentorship for High School Students
- The Day's Heat by Roberta George
- DECEMBER Magazine: Curt Johnson Prose Awards
- DECEMBER Magazine: Marvin Bell Memorial Poetry Prize
- De Facto Feminism: Essays Straight Outta Oakland by Judy Juanita
- Defenestrationism FLASH SUITE Contest (no fee)
- The de Groot Foundation Grants
- The Desert Rat Poetry Prize
- Diode Editions Book & Chapbook Contests
- DISQUIET Literary Prize
- Do Not Resuscitate by Ingrid Pierre
- The Dream Quest One Poetry & Writing Contest
- Dzanc Books Annual Contests
- The Easy Graphics YouTube Channel Guides Self-Published Authors to Design Success
- Eaton Literary Awards (no fee)
- Elephants in the Room by Charlene Wexler
- Elk River Writers Workshop
- Endemic by Robert Chazz Chute
- Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
- Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop: Erma Home Schooling
- Essay Contest: "What Would Life Be Like Without the Arts & Entertainment?"
- The Evil Inclination by Daniel Victor
- Experimental Poetry Contest sponsored by the Connecticut Poetry Society
- An Exaltation of Larks by Suanne Laqueur
- Eyelands Book Awards
- FanStory: Enter Dozens of Contests for One Low Price
- Fetch by Jerald Pope
- Fighting Chance by Alicia Doyle
- Fireproofing the Woods, poems by Katy McKinney
- First Pages Prize
- Fish Publishing Flash Fiction Competition
- Fish Publishing Short Memoir Prize
- Fish Publishing Poetry Prize
- Fish Publishing Short Story Prize
- Flowers by Night by Lucy May Lennox
- The Forge: 10 Months to Writing Mastery
- Fourth Genre Steinberg Memorial Essay Prize
- The 4 C’s Approach of Successful Authors – Craft, Commitment, Community, and Confidence by Joan Gelfand
- Free Resources for the Serious Creative Writer
- A Friendship Forever by Five Paths Publishing, Winner of the North Street Book Prize
- From Mormon to Mermaid by Lorelei
- Frontier Poetry Chapbook Award
- The Frugal Book Promoter, 3rd Edition, by Carolyn Howard-Johnson
- The Frugal Editor, 3rd Edition, by Carolyn Howard-Johnson
- FundsforWriters: Essential Contests for Serious Writers - Subscribe Free
- The Geography of Absence by Gayle Lauradunn
- Grayson Books Poetry Chapbook Competition
- Grayson Books Poetry Prize
- The Great First Impression Book Proposal by Carolyn Howard-Johnson
- The Guinevere's Tale Trilogy by Nicole Evelina
- Gulf Coast Prizes in Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry
- Gutsy Great Novelist Chapter One Prize
- Happy Harper: Grandpa Comes Home
- Headmistress Press: Charlotte Mew Chapbook Contest
- HEART Poetry Award
- The 2024 Hefner Heitz Kansas Book Award for Best Work of Literary Nonfiction (no fee)
- The Hefner Heitz Kansas Book Award in Poetry (no fee)
- Helen Klonaris: Writing the Fantastic
- Helen in Trouble by Wendy Sibbison
- The Herd by Ryan Poirier
- A Hero for the People by Arthur Powers
- History Through Fiction: Beta Reader Matching Program
- Hollis Summers Poetry Prize: Call for Manuscripts
- A Homicide in Hooker's Point by Gloria Taylor Weinberg
- A Hotel Room of One's Own: The Erma Bombeck | Anna Lefler Humorist-in-Residence Program
- House of Design
- HowToDoItFrugally with Carolyn Howard-Johnson
- How To Get Great Book Reviews Frugally and Ethically by Carolyn Howard-Johnson
- I-70 Review's Bill Hickok Humor Award
- Imagine 2200: Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors, sponsored by Grist (no fee)
- IML Publications: Fiction, Non-Fiction and Memoir Contest
- An Incomplete List of My Wishes by Jendi Reiter
- Inheriting Our Names by C. Vargas McPherson
- ink & peat podcast: Promote Your Book
- International Fiction Festival 2024 (no fee)
- International Women's Writing Guild
- JuxtaProse Nonfiction Prize
- JuxtaProse Fiction Prize
- The King of Karaoke by Bob Sylva
- The Launch Pad Feature Competition
- The Launch Pad Pilots Competition for Screenwriters
- Lauren Singer: Professional Editing and Proofreading
- Lay of the Land by J.R. Weber
- Leave Smoke, Poems by Jeff Walt
- Lilith Magazine Annual Fiction Contest (no fee)
- LitMag's Anton Chekhov Award for Flash Fiction
- LitMag's Emily Dickinson Award for Poetry
- LitMag's Virginia Woolf Award for Fiction
- LitSpace St. Petersburg Writers' Residency
- Litwise: How to Nail Your Novel Vision With One Good Idea
- Look, Black Boy by Caleb "The Negro Artist" Rainey
- Lorian Hemingway Short Story Competition
- Love Me Tender in Midlife by Ellaraine Lockie
- The MacGuffin's Annual Poet Hunt Contest
- Made Man by Jendi Reiter
- Mama's Needle by Jeanette Stickel
- Martha's Vineyard Summer Writers Conference
- The Masters Review Anthology XII Seeks Emerging Writers
- The Masters Review Flash Fiction Contest
- The Masters Review Summer Short Story Award for New Writers
- The Masters Review Winter Short Story Award
- Measureless Silence, poems by Cris Mulvey
- Miller Audio Prize from The Missouri Review
- Mine to Carry by Christine Mulvey
- The Missouri Review's Jeffrey E. Smith Editors' Prize
- Moment Magazine-Karma Foundation Short Fiction Contest
- Montreal International Poetry Prize
- The Moth Short Story Prize
- Mudfish Poetry Prize
- My Pants by Nicole Kohr
- Mysteries of the Mist by C.A. Rand
- New Letters Editor's Choice Award
- Next Generation Indie Book Awards
- Next Generation Short Story Awards
- Nickie's Prize for Humor Writing
- Nimrod International Journal's Francine Ringold Awards for New Writers
- Nimrod International Journal's Literary Awards for Fiction and Poetry
- Omega Institute: Awaken the Stories Within
- One More Day by Diane Chiddister
- Only What's Imagined by Geof Hewitt
- On The Premises Short Story Contest (no fee)
- Open Kimono Publishing's Poetry Competition
- Operaland by Ian Strasfogel
- The "Coming Home" Poetry Contest from Oprelle
- Oprelle "Matter" Poetry Contest
- Oprelle: New Website and Hybrid Imprints
- Origin Story by Jendi Reiter
- Our Last Six Months by Emily Bracale, a North Street Grand Prize Winner
- Owl Girl by Jerald Pope
- Oxbow Poetry Contest for Emerging Poets, sponsored by Oprelle
- Paisley Invasion by Alicia Czechowski
- The Palette Poetry Prize
- The Palette Poetry Spotlight Award
- Palm Beach Poetry Festival
- Pavarotti and Pancakes by Francesco Granieri, a North Street First Prize Winner for Memoir
- The Pen Factor
- Penn Journal of Arts and Sciences
- The Perkoff Prize sponsored by The Missouri Review
- Ploughshares
- Ploughshares Call for Submissions: Poetry, Nonfiction, and Fiction
- Ploughshares Emerging Writer's Contest
- PocketMFA
- The Poetry Box Chapbook Prize
- The Poetry Collections of Clifford Brooks
- Poetry Masters 2023 sponsored by Oprelle
- Poets & Patrons Contests
- Prairie Schooner Book Prize Series
- Press 53 Award for Poetry
- Puro Chicanx Writers of the 21st Century
- Follow Rachael A.Z. Mutabingwa on Instagram
- Rattle Chapbook Prize
- Rattle Magazine: The Neil Postman Award for Metaphor
- Rattle Poetry Prize
- Refugee, poems by Pamela Uschuk from Red Hen Press
- Revision Season Taught by Elana K. Arnold
- River Styx Microfiction Contest
- Rockvale Writers' Colony: The First TEN Pages Fellowship
- Rosa by Barbara de la Cuesta
- Roundtable by 92nd Street Y
- The Sally Albiso Poetry Book Award
- Salve by Soma Mei Sheng Frazier
- Saving Nary by Carol DeMent, a North Street First Prize Winner
- ScreenCraft Cinematic Prose Competition
- Sequestrum: Editor's Reprint Award
- Sequestrum: New Writer Awards
- Sheila-Na-Gig Editions Poetry Manuscript Contest
- The Short Story Project: Short Story Competition
- Social Media for Writers with Gila Pfeffer
- Solstice Annual Contest for Fiction, Poetry, and Nonfiction
- Southern Collective Experience Presents: Asian American Poetry Chapbook Contest
- Spalding Low-Residency MFA
- Special District: Harbin by Tim Stickel
- Spirit Bridges by Li Mo
- The Spokane Prize for Short Fiction
- The Stella Kupferberg Memorial Short Story Prize
- The Steve Kowit Poetry Prize
- Strange Angels by William Pitt Root
- Subnivean Awards
- Sunspot Literary Journal: Geminga Contest for Tiny Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, or Art
- Sunspot Literary Journal: Goldilocks Zone Contest
- Sunspot Literary Journal: Inception Contest for Authors and Artists
- Sunspot Literary Journal: Rigel Contest for Short Story, Novel, Novella, Artwork, Graphic Novel, or Poem
- Sunspot Literary Journal: Solar Flare Contest for Prose, Artwork, Graphic Novel, or Poem
- The Table Read Magazine—FREE Promotion for Writers, Artists, and Creatives
- Tania's Writing Realm
- Tennessee Williams Museum Short Story & Poetry Contests
- Terrain.org Contests
- Three Funerals for My Father by Jolie Phuong Hoang
- Tiferet Writing Contest
- Tinderbox Poetry Journal Sponsors the Brett Elizabeth Jenkins Poetry Prize and the Majda Gama Editors' Prize
- To Hull and Back Humorous Short Story Competition
- Tremont Writers Conference
- Truth To Power: Writers Respond To The Rhetoric Of Hate And Fear
- Second Annual Tupelo Broadside Prize
- Tupelo Press Dorset Prize
- Tupelo Press July Open Submission Period
- Making Your Manuscript: An Online Conference for Advanced Poets with Tupelo Press
- Tupelo Press Snowbound Chapbook Award
- Tupelo Press Sunken Garden Chapbook Poetry Prize
- Tupelo Quarterly Poetry Contest
- Two Gifts from Tom Sheehan, winner of the 2021 North Street Book Prize for Poetry
- Two Natures by Jendi Reiter
- Two Sylvias Press: Write 31 Poems in December with an Online Advent Calendar of Poetry Prompts
- Two Sylvias Press Offers A Supportive and Inspiring 4-Week Online Poetry Retreat Created by Poets for Poets
- Two Sylvias Press Poetry Chapbook Prize
- Two Sylvias Press WILDER POETRY BOOK PRIZE for Women Over 50
- Two Sylvias Press: Write 30 New Poems in April
- Two Sylvias Press Weekly Muse
- Uncharted Magazine Horror/Thriller Short Story Award
- Vestal Review's Food-Writing Flash Fiction Contest
- Veterans Writing Award (no fee)
- Vibrant Words by Erica Goss
- Voyage 2020 First Chapters Contest for Young Adult Fiction
- Waking the Bones by Elizabeth Kirschner
- Walking into Lightning by Ellen LaFleche
- Wayfarers by Winfred Cook
- Westmoreland Arts & Heritage Festival Poetry & Short Story Contest
- Where the Meadowlark Sings by Ellaraine Lockie
- William Saroyan International Prize for Writing
- William Van Dyke Short Story Prize
- Women's National Book Association: 6th Annual Writing Contest
- Get Your Self-Publishing Questions Answered at Write On.
- Write In Iceland
- WriterAdvice's Scintillating Starts Contest
- The Writer's Hotel
- Writing Battle - Join Today!
- Writing Peers: Peer-Driven Writing Contest