Although the Black Bear Runs the Marathon
Although the black bear runs the marathon He is not as spirited as I
For though I have thousands of hairs on my head
I do not falter, but persevere through pain and bloating
While my sidekick yodeler yells, "Yoo Doo Yoo Doo!" and "Yeeng Yeeng!"
I continue to run.
As black as the night and as cold as ice is a coyote
His hairs prancing about on his body with chanting melodies from the trees
Alas! The coyote as arisen anew, now he is a wonder
He is fast as a wild chimpanzee looking for its mother
And as strong as a turtle carrying its injured child to safety.
But the python can only see its mother again if it crosses the English Channel
It must call on the power from its ancestral icon to accomplish this task
The python crosses the channel to meet its mother but she has left
The python now performs eats a well-balanced breakfast and goes into an eternal sleep
I am on a hunt, a hunt to give me new life
The wild zebra galloping across the dense jungles give me hope
That I may find the spirit of the dove
The spirit fills me with a wonderful new set of screwdrivers
So that I may fix by broken heart
Sent as a joke to Famous Poets Society