Daddy Ditty
You no do,
Big brown shoe.
I see one
Do not see two
Not see who?
Nazi YOU!
Dadman badman,
I hate you
Hate your shoe.
Moustache too.
Make U look like
Fu Manchu.
Y do you
Make me blue?
Boo hoo. Boo hoo
Boo hoo hoo.
I'm a Jew!
(it's not true
Though I did take
German II
Och! Ich! Du!
Turoc Tu!
Hans und Franz
And Pretzel Stew!)
Hey, did you
Hear the new?
I'm a Jew
In World War II.
You heard Smith's wordsmith's
If you knew
What I been through
You'd wish you
Were crazy too.
My life's tuff,
Kids and stuff
Steal my me-time
Nuff's enuff!
Hey Ted Hughes,
You bad toos.
You said I had
One screw looz.
You so scary
You so very
Bad like Dad, so
Why I marry?
Vampite bites
In the nights.
Who sucks? Hughes sucks.
I <3 Twilight
Bad, bad husbin'
Gave no lovin'
That Beasty! Least he
Cleaned the oven.
Sent as a joke to PoetryAmerica