Exist Otherwise: “We Are Not Going Back!” Issue
Deadline February 28 (must be received by this date). Exist Otherwise is a quarterly literary journal with interests in trauma and recovery, gender, intuition, and dreams. The theme for Issue #14 (April 2025) is "We Are Not Going Back!" In response to the 2024 presidential election results, the editors say, "Issue 14 will be a reaction, a declaration of resistance, a doubling down of queer and trans voices." All genres are welcome: poetry, prose, essays, fiction, creative non-fiction, scripts, hybrid, experimental writing. You may submit up to 3 pieces of under 500 words each, or one piece of 500-1,000 words, per quarterly submission period. Previously published work is acceptable if you own the rights.
Source: https://www.existotherwise.com/submission-guidelines/
Published: February 3, 2025