Lucidity Poetry Journal
Lucidity Poetry Journal is a quarterly print newsletter that publishes accessible, meaningful poetry by emerging writers. Editor Ted O. Badger says: "Feeling that poetry should communicate rather than confuse or mystify, I set out in 1985 to establish Lucidity as a national journal of verse that features understandable poetry. We want poets that write mature, polished and professional verse that deals with people and the human scene, events and relationships." Send 1-3 poems, each poem maximum 35 lines with no more than 60 characters (including spaces) in each line. Any notes should be written on the back of the page. Subscription is free, but please include a $1 bill with your poems to support the journal's continued publication. Mail submissions to Ted Badger, 8615 Running Bird Lane, Missouri City, TX 77489. No website; email with any questions.
Published: June 2, 2015