Subscriber News: October 2014
Recent Honors
Congratulations to Ellaraine Lockie, judge of the Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry Contest. Her poetry chapbook Where the Meadowlark Sings, a collection of poems about Montana, won the 2014 Encircle Chapbook Contest. The next deadline for this $250 prize will be September 1, 2015. She kindly shares a sample poem here.
Congratulations to Robin Coste Lewis. Her first poetry collection, The Voyage of the Sable Venus, has been accepted for publication by Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. Find out more about her work in this 2012 interview at Her Kind, the blog of Vida: Women in Literary Arts.
Congratulations to Amy Pacini. Her poem "Writing Always Finds Me" won first prize in the 2014 Romancing the Craft of Poetry and Fiction Contest. She kindly shares it with us here. This award is sponsored by the TL Publishing Group in Tampa, Florida, with prizes up to $300. Her poem is published in the latest issue of Torrid Literature Journal, Volume XII - Tension. The 2015 contest submission period will be March 1-June 30. Visit Amy's website to learn more about her creative writing in several genres.
Congratulations to Desmond Kon Zhicheng-Mingdé. His poetry book Sanctus Sanctus Dirgha Sanctus, a collection of sestinas, was published by Red Wheelbarrow Books. He will be launching this book and his novel Singular Acts of Endearment (Squircle Line Press & Grey Sparrow Press) at the Singapore Writers Festival. His new collection of prose poems, I Didn't Know Mani Was a Conceptualist, was published in August by Math Paper Press. He kindly shares a sample poem here. Desmond is also the editor and manager of Eye/Feel/Write, a special program of the Singapore Writers Festival, commissioned by the National Arts Council. Eye/Feel/Write invited ten eminent writers—Robin Hemley, Joshua Ip, Isa Kamari, Alvin Pang, Tan Chee Lay, Jollin Tan, Edwin Thumboo, Ramanathan Vairavan, Yeow Kai Chai, and Ovidia Yu—to write ekphrastic responses to ten artworks exhibited at the Singapore Art Museum's "Medium at Large" exhibition.
Recent Publications
Tricia McCallum will be reading from her new poetry collection The Music of Leaving (Demeter Press, 2014) at two book launch parties in Canada. The first will be Saturday, November 1, from 7:00-9:00 PM at the Women's Art Association of Canada, Dignam Gallery, 23 Prince Arthur Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. The second will be Friday, November 28, from 7:00-10:00 PM at MacLaren Art Centre, 37 Mulcaster Street, Barrie, Ontario. For both events, RSVP to at least a week in advance. Read a poem from the book here. In other news, Tricia has become an official Huffington Post blogger. Her first column, "Small Kindnesses", appeared in September.
R.T. Castleberry had three poems published in Literary Orphans and two more accepted by Right Hand Pointing. Watch a video of him reading at Kick Butt Coffee in Austin, Texas from his chapbook Arriving at the Riverside (Finishing Line Press, 2010).
Charlie Bondhus's poem "Snow Ghazal" will appear in the November/December 2014 issue of The Gay & Lesbian Review. Two poems from his award-winning book All the Heat We Could Carry (Main Street Rag, 2013) were reprinted in War, Literature, & the Arts (Vol. 26, 2014).
R. Bremner had three stories accepted by Southlit, an online journal of creative writing, literature, and art connected to South Asia. "Josan" appeared in Issue #2 (September 2014), and "The Gold and the Charm" and "Jude's Vow" will appear in Issues #4 and #6 respectively.
Published: October 8, 2014