I Hate to Ask
I hate to ask, but would you clickThis blinking rainbow fetching stick?
For every click, a dollar goes
To stray dogs in the Poconos.
Now take a sec, if you don't mind,
To "kiss" my child at BabyFind.
The baby with the highest tally
Wins a trip to Simi Valley.
Oh by the way, it is your turn
To make a move in Letter Churn.
And when you get there, you will see
That my last move was QUIXOTRY!
And now I wonder, have you seen
This article on soup tureens?
It's written by my good friend Mike,
So when you're finished, please click "like."
And while you're at it, would you go
To nominate my one-man show
For City's Best, then do the same
For my pal's diner, Bright Blue Flame?
And have you read my Tooter feed?
My handle there is LoveStampede.
I like to catalog the ways
I spend each minute of my days.
Next week I plan to leave and go
Into the heart of Borneo.
So in my absence, if you will,
Please tend my crops on Gardenville?