Score: Kipling 1, Keats 0
it is a thing of beauty
to see Trudy fling
the nerf football so high
in the east
a trajectory that sings out
through the trees
to the stratosphere
but here, back on earth
the truth is that Booth
awaits the falling missile
hears the whistle of it
in the west
with superhuman ears
and wrests it from the sky
high in the arc of
one parabolic leap
and perhaps Kipling was right
and east really is east
and west is west
but the twain do finally meet
in the unity of nerf football
thrower and receiver
as one sublime entity
and finally it comes to this:
Trudy is Booth, Booth Trudy-
that is all ye know on nerf
and all ye need to know
Sent as a joke to the International Library of Poetry