Soft Summer Rain
a little boy
sits alone
on a stone wall
in a soft summer rain
humming a tune
his father used to sing
him to sleep with
while rocking
in the glider chair
between his little bed
and the wall
from his father's arms
he could look
all the way down the hall
past his brothers'
and sister's rooms
to where his beautiful mom
lay less every night
wanting to lay with her
as he had always done
in happier times
beginning before
his memory
not understanding
exactly why he couldn't
only vaguely aware
of being displaced
by something evil
taking her away...
away in pieces
slowly and painfully
turning his face
from the light
at the end of the hallway
toward a darkening sky
focusing only
on the rain drops
and the last words
of the song:
"...and I shall sleep
in peace
until you come
to me"
humming them
over and over again
rocking back and forth
in a soft summer rain