Where Pixies Relax
In thickets so thick
That the crickets get cricks
In their necks when they flex
Is where Pixies relax.
So complex and compact
Are the sticks they're betwixt,
Even ticks say a trek
Through such tracts is a tax.
Friction nicks insect knickers
And hacks up their slacks.
Prickly parts even pucker
Their pockets and packs.
To subtract from this,
Practical insects use tactics
Like talcum and wax
On their backs and thoraxes.
But a Pixie's attracted
To fractional cracks
And declares as deluxe
What detractors deem lax.
It's a fact: in the nooks
Of a notch-and-knot nexus,
They kick off their sneakers
And socks like it's Texas.