Betty Jo Goddard
Filed under: Authors

I've traveled a packed road since my birth in Windsor, Illinois. While on that road, I acquired a BS from Illinois State, an MA from the University of Colorado, and twenty-five years of teaching's bruises, successes, smiles, and love. I retired from teaching in 1983 and now live with my three errant huskies on an Alaskan ridge-top in a house powered by solar panels and a wind-generator.
I've noticed that retired folks who have a hobby or some other compelling interest seem happier. My huskies keep me entertained and exercised. To keep my brain from withering, I've taken up writing. That keeps the juices flowing and nudges me into inquiry. It gives me fun, satisfaction, a chance to share, and, when I toss my lines in the publishing world's waters, enough bites to keep my dogs fed.
Winning Entry: One Small Mistake
Contest Won: Tom Howard/John H. Reid Short Story Contest 2008, Highly Commended