B.J. Buckley
Filed under: Authors

B.J. Buckley is a Montana poet and writer who has worked in Arts-in-Schools/Communities programs throughout the west and midwest for over 37 years. She is currently SD Arts Council Writer-in-Residence for Sanford Arts, Sanford Cancer Center, Sioux Falls, SD. Her poems have appeared widely in small print and online journals, and she has received a number of national prizes and awards for her work. Her poetry books include Moonhorses and the Red Bull, with co-author Dawn Senior-Trask (Prong Horn Press 2005); a letterpress chapbook, Spaces Both Infinite and Eternal (Limberlost Press 2013); and Corvidae, with woodcut illustrations by Dawn Senior-Trask (Lummox Press 2014).
B.J. lives, writes, gardens, cooks, and messes about with art from a farmhouse on three acres 30 miles west of Great Falls, Montana, with her sweetheart, a machinist/blacksmith, their sweet dog Maggie, and far too many cats.
Winning Entry: Insomnia: A Suite in Thirteen Hours
Contest Won: Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry Contest 2014, First Prize, Margaret Reid