Caitlin Doyle
Filed under: Authors

Caitlin Doyle is a poet, educator, and Long Island native. Her poetry has appeared in The Atlantic, The Threepenny Review, Boston Review, Black Warrior Review, Measure, and several other journals and magazines. Caitlin's poems have also been featured in a variety of book anthologies, including the Best New Poets series (University of Virginia Press) and The Crafty Poet: A Portable Anthology (Wind Publications). She has received the Margaret Bridgman Scholarship through the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, the Amy Award in Poetry through Poets & Writers, and the Tennessee Williams Scholarship in Poetry through the Sewanee Writers Conference, among other honors.
Most recently, Caitlin held the Writer-In-Residence Position at the James Merrill House in Stonington, CT, served as the Jack Kerouac Writer-In-Residence at the Kerouac House in Orlando, FL, held a MacDowell Colony residency fellowship, and received the ALSCW Fellowship (Association of Literary Scholars, Critics, & Writers). Caitlin has taught poetry as the Emerging Writer-In-Residence at Penn State University, as the Writer-In-Residence at St. Albans School in Washington, DC, and as a Lecturer in Creative Writing at Boston University. At present, she teaches Creative Writing as the Writer-In-Residence at Interlochen Arts Academy in Michigan, and she is working toward the completion of her debut poetry collection.
Winning Entry: Thirteen
Contest Won: Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry Contest 2013, Second Prize, Tom Howard Prize