Chris Kuehn
Filed under: Authors

Chris Kuehn resides, writes and teaches in Wisconsin. She won recent recognition for her 2003 feature-length family movie script Toby Noble's School Project in other contests. Chris writes, "I've wanted to attract a larger audience for my writing although this isn't exactly what I had in mind! But, it's no accident that this award catapults me toward that goal, for I receive my soul's desire—one way or another—when I connect with the infinite. I originally wrote 'The Craven' in response to a challenge from fellow colleagues of my writing group, which elected to mock a prominent author's voice. Therefore, 'The Craven' became E.A. Poe 'incarnate as a modern, thirty-something bachelor.' When I dared to consider my work as another kind of parody for Wergle Flomp, I eagerly submitted it to Though I didn't hear back from them (fancy that!), I am elated to win the Wergle Flomp contest. As a rebel consciousness to whom everything is at once both sacred and profane, enlisting humor ensures that I don't take myself too seriously. And because imagination knows no bounds, I exercise it along with all beneficent freedoms to be enjoyed in this physical existence with appreciation for the divine spirit of creation. And somewhere out there, Edgar is getting one heck of a kick out of my little travesty, too." Contact Chris at
Winning Entry: The Craven
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2004, First Prize