David Allen Sullivan
Filed under: Authors

I was first alerted to the power of poetry when my mom taught me Ogden Nash's "Isabel, Isabel, met a bear..." The line "cruel and cavernous" chilled and thrilled me, and I'm still working on exorcising bogeymen and exercising my imagination. My first book, Strong-Armed Angels, is available through Hummingbird Press. My new manuscript, For the Unforgotten, is a multi-voiced manuscript responding to what's occurring in Iraq. I teach literature and film at Cabrillo College, in Santa Cruz, CA, where I live with my love, Cherie Barkey, a historian, and our two children, Jules and Amina.
Winning Entry: Baggage Claim, In/Out Country: Sergeant Kokesh, Bomb Scare
Contest Won: War Poetry Contest 2009, Finalist