David Amerman
Filed under: Authors

I could tell you about my undergraduate education at Penn State, my meager, failure-heavy publication track record, or my short-lived career as a journalist, but neither of these résumé benchmarks are fitting descriptions of myself as a meaningful citizen of the arts and humanity. Honestly, I am still very much in development as a professional person. I seek truth, majesty, and bemusement in life and cultivate my voice through writing poems and plays, but this is not a career. Yet.
Until that day arrives, though, I'll remain occupied scoping out graduate schools, working on my first poetry manuscript, and carving out my literary niche in the world with a KFC spork (here's hoping I'll be able to spring for more durable cutlery in the future).
Winning Entry: I Always Hate Going In There
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2014, Honorable Mention