Diana Chickosky
Filed under: Authors

Diana graduated from Sarah Lawrence College with a degree in sitting around thinking she was going to be the next great dark gritty american novelist. Her novel is currently sitting in a dark desk drawer collecting grit. It is, however, great (in her megalomanicial opinion) and she does often have the feelin she should be next for something, so two out of four ain't bad, as far as she's concerned. Her next novel-of-sorts, a collection of contiguous prose poems, is due out late this fall and expected to grace a particularly bare square foot under her bed. Her tenacity knows no bounds, however, and she is still shopping for an agent. Besides writing she is also a ballroom dance teacher and a painter, and is currently in recovery from a vicious addiction to the recent onslaught of titillating cable tv series.
She likes dogs, ice cream sundaes, and people who signal before changing lanes.
Winning Entry: Ode to a Friend
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2010, Finalist