Frances Truscott
Filed under: Authors

I live outside Tunbridge Wells in Kent. My day job is as a Kleinian Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist which I do part time. I spent a lot of my earlier life living in the USA and got my first degree there. I wrote poetry as a child, then in school, then in college. The need to write has followed me about like a very patient dog.
I have enthusiasms for things: fencing, singing, belly dancing, Scottish country dancing. What is most important though is trying to nourish friendships and keep in touch with people who inspire, comfort and make me laugh. Time often pickpockets good intentions.
Winning Entry: Sunshine on a Wooden Floor
Contest Won: Tom Howard/John H. Reid Poetry Contest 2007, Highly Commended
Winning Entry: Mist Wraiths
Contest Won: Tom Howard/John H. Reid Poetry Contest 2007, Most Highly Commended