George Northrup
Filed under: Authors

George H. Northrup has been President of the Fresh Meadows Poets in Queens, NY since 2006 and a Board member of the Society that selects the Nassau County Poet Laureate since 2009. In the last three years, his poetry has appeared in more than 30 journals and anthologies. Recent publications include Avocet, Bards Annual, First Literary Review–East, Form Quarterly, Freshet, Long Island Quarterly, The New York Times, and the Performance Poets Association Literary Review. His chapbook, You Might Fall In, was published in 2014 by Local Gems Press. George was President of the New York State Psychological Association in 2009, and served on the Council of Representatives that governs the American Psychological Association from 2012-2014.
Winning Entry: Ulysses of Astoria
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2016, Honorable Mention