Glenn Buttkus
Filed under: Authors

I am a Rehabilitation Specialist, working at the Department of Veteran's Affairs Blind Rehab Center, VA American Lake, in Tacoma, Washington. I think that I was born a movie buff. I had young parents, and as a family we went to the movies weekly. Movie palaces of the 50's were places of worship for me. When I was 30 years old, I had already seen 5,000 films. I still go to movies at least twice a week. I do regret I never became a journalist; film critic. I took the Actor's path instead. My old friend, John Hartl, Seattle Times film critic, was just a cub reporter for the U of W paper in the 70's. A gang of us, pre-video days, used to gather in his basement and watch bootleg 35 mm films. Many of that gang went on to create the Seattle Film Society. I have a VHS/DVD video collection that numbers more than 11,000 films. My entire 1500 sq.ft. basement is floor to ceiling in shelves. My love affair with movies is eternal. Are there movies after death? Of course there are, and I'll bet they are really impressive.
Winning Entry: On Patrol
Contest Won: War Poetry Contest 2008, Finalist