Guy Kettelhack
Filed under: Authors

Guy Kettelhack is the author or co-author of more than 30 nonfiction books. His poetry has been featured in Outstretch, Van Gogh's Ear, Melic Review, New Pleiades, Triplopia (in whose July 2004 "laughter contest" his poem "Log On" won first prize), David Taub e-motion ("Harp Strings" was selected to be read as their monthly selection for August 2004), Poetry Life & Times (where he has been a featured poet in both June and August 2004), and Poetry in Emotion (Fall 2004). Two of his poems placed in IBPC competitions in 2004. His poem "Alter Ego" was selected as a quarterfinalist in the Lyric Recovery Festival competition in March 2004. He lives in New York City. Guy submitted a large number of poems that qualified for the Prize, which seeks poems in traditional verse forms. Some were strictly traditional, others used a more flexible format. "Weather Report" is one of the latter. It should be noted that the judge's interpretation of "traditional" is loose rather than strict.
Winning Entry: Weather Report
Contest Won: Margaret Reid Poetry Contest for Traditional Verse 2004, First Prize