J. David Cummings
Filed under: Authors

Poems by J. David Cummings have appeared in the Slapering Hol Newsletter, Poetry Flash, Bellowing Ark, Convergence, and in several issues of The Sand Hill Review. His full length manuscript, Envoy, was a finalist in several national contests, including the National Poetry Series Open Competition and the Red Hen Press Benjamin Saltman Poetry Award. Also, an excerpted portion of this manuscript comprises a chapbook that has been a finalist in the Tupelo Press Snowbound Series Chapbook Competition and the Slapering Hol Press Chapbook Competition. The poems "A-bomb Dome", "Tancho", and "I Have Begun the Folding of Cranes" are taken from the Envoy manuscript.
Winning Entry: A-bomb Dome, Tancho, I Have Begun the Folding of Cranes
Contest Won: War Poetry Contest 2010, Honorable Mention