Julie Henson
Filed under: Authors

I used to live in riches in Oxford, England but escaped that and now live in near-poverty on the Gulf of St. Tropez in France. Seriously, once my daughter reached 18 I decided to get out of a responsible life with a pension plan and a lawnmower—and have a shot at realizing my dream to become a full-time writer. My daughter came with me—which is great, we’re best friends.
I am materially poor compared to my previous life—but oh so much happier! I am writing full-time. I call myself a writer these days. My métier is full-length screenplays. The BBC like my work, my style and my ideas and have solicited my next screenplay, which I have just finished. Recently a French producer asked me to translate my first screenplay into French.
So, things are looking up.
Winning Entry: Ode to My Remote Control
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2007, Honorable Mention