Kathleen Lynch
Filed under: Authors

Kathleen Lynch publishes poetry, fiction, essays and photographs. Her full collection Hinge won the Black Zinnias national book award. Her chapbooks include How to Build an Owl, No Spring Chicken, Alterations of Rising, and Kathleen Lynch-Pudding House Greatest Hits. Her poems have been anthologized and appear widely in journals including Poetry, Nimrod, Spoon River Poetry Review, and Chariton Review. Her poem "Abracadabra" won a Pushcart Prize 2018 edition, and she won first place in the 2019 Ginosko flash fiction competition. Her new collection, Lucky Witness, is due in spring 2019 from Blue Light Press.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kathleenlynchwriter
Winning Entry: Yard Work
Contest Won: Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry Contest 2018, Honorable Mention, Tom Howard
Winning Entry: Soaps Fan
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2011, Honorable Mention