Kristie Betts Letter
Filed under: Authors

Kristie Betts Letter's short story collection Fire in the Hole comes out from Engine Books in March 2019. Her poetry collection Under-Worldly (Editorial L'Aleph 2017) examines what lies beneath with what Cowboy Jamboree describes as "fantastic images of the subterranean grit". The Massachusetts Review, The North Dakota Quarterly, Washington Square, Passages North, Pangolin Papers, and The Southern Humanities Review have featured her writing and it has been honored by Best American Short Fictions, the Tom Howard Writing Awards, and Terrain Environmental Writing Awards. She's earned four NEH fellowships, several teaching awards, and was a 2017 featured writer at the Montana Book Festival. When not writing, she teaches Hamlet to high school students and plays trivia with her family in Colorado.
Winning Entry: The Goose Girl
Contest Won: Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest 2018, Honorable Mention