L. Lanser-Rose
Filed under: Authors

Lisa Lanser-Rose is a tall-chick tomboy from New Jersey who earned her MFA at Penn State. She's the author of the memoir For the Love of a Dog (Crown Publishing), about whether horses, birds, and Border collies have souls. Her psycho-sexual ghost story, "Body Sharers" (Rutgers University Press), placed among the top five finalists for the PEN/Hemingway Foundation Award for Best First Novel.
While teaching at Saint Petersburg College, Lanser-Rose is at work on a collection of personal essays, The Naked Australian and Other First Dates. Her essay, "Turnpike Psycho", won the Florida Review's 2013 Editors' Award for Nonfiction. Learn more at lisalanserrose.com.
Website: http://lisalanserrose.com/
Winning Entry: Born-Again Anthropologist
Contest Won: Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest 2014, Honorable Mention