Lauren Dunlop
Filed under: Authors

Lauren Dunlop is an obnoxious 18-year-old who has been fully literate for several years now. Her career thus far has consisted of writing book reports, journals of her hopes and dreams, and texts to her friends. While on her GAP Year, she decided to combine her love of writing with her long-standing fascination for (and obsession with) kitchen utensils, and pen the longest epic poem about cutlery ever created. As a matter of fact, it may well be the only epic poem about cutlery ever created. In any case, writing it filled up a good couple of days which would otherwise have been filled by more productive activities such as drinking tea and playing scrabble, and its existence certainly makes the world a stranger, more tedious place.
Lauren will be beginning medical school this year, but hopes to continue writing; current ideas for upcoming pieces include an operetta about a food processor, and a haiku about a bread bin.
Winning Entry: A Tale of Two Cutleries
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2010, Honorable Mention