Lynn McGee
Filed under: Authors

Lynn McGee's poems are forthcoming in The American Poetry Review, Hawai'i Review, 2 Bridges Review, and Bluestem, and her work is in current issues of Tilt-a-Whirl, Big City Lit, and The New Guard, where one poem was a finalist and one a semi-finalist in the Knightville Poetry Contest judged by former US Poet Laureate Donald Hall.
Her work has also appeared in The Ontario Review, Painted Bride Quarterly, Phoebe, The Sun, West Coast Review, Southern Anthology, Pittsburgh Quarterly, Poetry L.A. and many other journals. Lynn's poetry chapbook, Bonanza, won the Hudson Valley Writers Center/Slapering Hol Press manuscript contest, and her short stories have appeared in the Northwest Review and Berkeley Fiction Review. A winner of the In Our Own Write contest at The LGBT Center, NYC, where she also won a Heart of the Center Award for starting a GED class for youth, Lynn received a MacDowell fellowship, won the Judith's Room Emerging Writers contest, and earned an MFA at Columbia University. She worked in literacy for many years and is now the newswriter for a large urban college.
Winning Entry: The U.S. Invades Iraq, on American TV
Contest Won: War Poetry Contest 2011, Honorable Mention