Lynne Knight
Filed under: Authors

Lynne Knight's previous collections are Dissolving Borders, a Quarterly Review of Literature prize winner (1996); The Book of Common Betrayals, winner of the Dorothy Brunsman Award from Bear Star Press in 2002; and Night in the Shape of a Mirror (David Robert Books, 2006). She has also published three prize-winning chapbooks. Her cycle of poems on Impressionist winter paintings, Snow Effects (Small Poetry Press, 2000), has been translated into French by Nicole Courtet. Knight's work has appeared in Best American Poetry 2000, Drive: They Said, A Fine Excess: Fifty Years of the Beloit Poetry Journal, and in numerous journals. Her awards include a Theodore Roethke Award from Poetry Northwest and a Lucille Medwick Memorial Award from the Poetry Society of America. Her fourth collection, Again, is forthcoming from Sixteen Rivers Press in 2009. She lives in Berkeley.
Winning Entry: The Dread Essay
Contest Won: War Poetry Contest 2008, Honorable Mention