Madeleine Jackman
Filed under: Authors

Madeleine Jackman is a recent graduate from the University of Massachusetts Amherst with a B.A. in English, where she successfully drank hundreds of late-night coffees while completing her honors thesis: Break It Down With Joy, an original poetry collection. Motivated by the caffeine in her system and a desire to explore other political systems and places, she studied abroad in Peru, Morocco, and Oxford, where she was awarded the Ernest H. Hofer Memorial Prize for Best Essay in English Literature. She co-wrote the "Unofficial Review" series for The Massachusetts Daily Collegian while working as an assistant arts editor for the print publication. During that time, one of her satirical articles was featured in USA Today's "For the Record: Let’s Make this Debate More Interesting". She just finished teaching seventh grade math for a year in Denver and is currently interning with the International Rescue Committee while enjoying summer in Colorado. This fall, she is looking forward to starting as a career coach for the Boston Center for Refugee Health and Human Rights. In her free time, she honors her California upbringing by hiking, reading outside, and researching social justice issues. You can find her poetry in Jabberwocky and Massachusetts's Best Emerging Poets. Above all else, Madeleine values compassion and humor, both of which are necessary for meaningful writing, discussion, and connection.
Winning Entry: The Swipe Sonnets
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2018, First Prize