Michael Tuohy
Filed under: Authors

Born in New Jersey in Eisenhower times (1954), Mike moved to Georgia in 1965 and has sopped up Southern culture ever since. A professional geologist working the environmental consulting rackets by day, he chronicles the preposterous through flash fiction, short stories, novellas and a novel by night. His work has been recognized in writing competitions in Canada, Ireland, England, Wales and the USA. Twenty-five of his stories, including a Pushcart Nominee, have been published in various magazines and anthologies. A two-time finalist in The New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest, he has a current total of nine words in that prestigious publication. Mike lives with his wife Sally in an earth-sheltered home on the North Oconee River near Jefferson, Georgia.
Website: https://www.bunker93a.com/
Winning Entry: What It Was Turned Ollie Queer
Contest Won: Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest 2018, Honorable Mention