Mikaela Hagen
Filed under: Authors

Born and raised in Minnesota, Mikaela Hagen now lives in Madison, Wisconsin with her husband and cats, where she teaches middle school social studies. Her personal and professional interests include public schools, language learning, and migrations/the forces that shape them.
While not a traditional training ground for poets, the 7th-grade classroom does provide daily opportunities to discern what is truly essential and to say exactly what you mean. Working with young people is humbling, joyful, and keeps the world (and our responsibilities within it) in sharp focus. Mikaela's poetry has been published in the Naugatuck River Review.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hikaelamaven
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mikaela.hagen.1
Winning Entry: Sestina for My Daughter
Contest Won: Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry Contest 2023, First Prize, Margaret Reid Prize