Patty Holloway
Filed under: Authors

Patricia Mosco Holloway is a writing teacher residing in Denver. She has established student literary magazines in Colorado schools where she has taught, including: Poetrees at Community College of Denver, Visions at Holy Cross Abbey, The Road Not Taken at Fruita Monument High School, and The Write Issue at Douglas County High School. She is a past recipient of a National Endowment for the Humanities Scholarship for Writing About Literature. Some of her works are published in The Explicator; Ideas in Action by Rolf Norgaard and How to Write About Theatre and Drama by Suzanne Hudson, texts purchased for use in college writing classes; Classroom Notes Plus/NCTE; the chapbook, Silver Edge, by The Leaping Berylians Poetry Workshop; and online at New Verse News and The Ekphrastic Review. Often, she hears new poems brewing in bits of direct or overheard conversation: be careful what you say around her.
Winning Entry: Background Check
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2020, Honorable Mention