P.L. Watts
Filed under: Authors

P.L. Watts escaped the Florida foster care system and worked her way through college and graduate school. She earned a Lambda Literary Fellowship for Emerging LGBTQ Writers and was runner up for Ruminate's Vandermey Nonfiction Award this year. Her essays have been shortlisted for the DisQuiet Prize and the Speculative Literature Foundation's Working Class Grant. Her first novella, The Bonny Swans, is forthcoming in January 2023 from Cemetery Gates Media as part of Mother Horror's My Dark Library series. And she's currently working on an experimental essay collection, Swamp Gothic, and a full-length horror memoir, Ghost Story.
Website: https://www.plwatts.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pamlwatts
Winning Entry: The Lizard Girl and the Alligator King
Contest Won: Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest 2022, Honorable Mention