Roberta George
Filed under: Authors

Roberta George was born in Bisbee, Arizona, and also lived in California and Texas, where she went to Catholic girls' schools. Almost every summer of her life was spent with her German grandmother on a 20-acre farm in the South, which left her with an overwhelming desire to pick blackberries every spring—and make wine. She has seven children and lives with a third-generation Lebanese husband in Valdosta, Georgia. She teaches yoga and a writers' workshop, The Snake Handlers, at the Turner Center for the Arts, where she served as Executive Director for 12 years. She's taught beginning English composition courses at Valdosta State University and Florida State University.
Roberta is the founding editor of Snake Nation Press, still in production after 25 years. She won a second prize for the poem "Three o" from the Porter Fleming Foundation and first prize for the short story "Truces" from her collection Below the Gnat Line. A short memoir of her Border Patrol father won a second prize from the Valdosta Daily Times, and her novel Baptizing the Cat was published by Snake Nation Press in 2012. Other poems have recently been selected by The Southern Poetry Review and The New Guard. "A Small Fortune" received an honorable mention in The Malahat Review contest.
Winning Entry: A Small Fortune
Contest Won: Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest 2015, Honorable Mention