Ryan Baker
Filed under: Authors

Originally plagiarized by Clement Moore, "Twas The Night Before New Years" was Ryan Baker's first dip into the pool of competitive poetics. After finding himself a "vanity reject" by several poetry contests, I assume for nothing more than extreme awesomeness, he stumbled upon the legend of the great Wergle Flomp. After sacrificing several months researching this hotly debated topic, the 24-year old Philadelphian began the arduous journey of submitting his work, for critique, to the enigmatic myth itself.
Through his voyage of mystical exploration, the young father of two has been drafting his first epic poem, in the vein of the great Homer, tentatively titled Puppet. Think The Odyssey, only with puppets. And not funny. No, really.
Winning Entry: T’was the Night Before New Year’s
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2010, Finalist