S.E. Ingraham
Filed under: Authors

S.E. Ingraham pens poems from the 53rd parallel where she shares space with the love of her life, and an aging, loyal, but chocolate-stealing wolf/border collie cross. When she isn't writing, or compulsively straightening public works of art (hence the ever present pocket-level)...she admits to uber-grand-parenting, a lust for travel, and eats dessert first.
Since she began taking her writing seriously in 2008, Ingraham's aim has been to be read, and to that end, to be published. Nowhere has she been more determined about this than with poetry and now, she has poems in a number of publications, both print and on-line, amongst them: Pyrokinection, Red Fez, Shot Glass, Otis Nebula, Poised in Flight, Poetic Pinup Revue, Of Sun and Sand, and In Gilded Frame. She also continues to work on several chapbooks, as well as the ubiquitous novel, always bubbling away in the background.
In the past year Ingraham had the privilege of being part of the Pulitzer Remix Project, writing a poem-a-day during poetry month based on Sinclair Lewis' award winning novel, Arrowsmith. This led to a semi-regular gig reading for the Found Poetry Review, and a place on their masthead. A fall online course on Modern and Post-Modern American Poetry taken through Coursera (one of the up and coming MOOCs) and presented through the University of Pennsylvania was so illuminating (and gratis!), she's already signed on for next year.
Sylvia Plath once wrote: "I write only because/There is a voice within me/That will not be still."
Ingraham has similar thoughts about her own passion for writing and has had this to say: "I write because putting words on paper, or the screen, helps keep me tethered to reality. I write because I can and because there are places in the world where expressing my opinion would cost me my life. I write because I must."
Ingraham's work may be found on any one of her blogs: http://thepoet-tree-house.blogspot.ca/, http://seingrahamsays.wordpress.com/, and http://whenthepenbleeds.blogspot.ca.
Website: http://seingrahamsays.wordpress.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/seingraham
Winning Entry: Table for Three
Contest Won: Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry Contest 2013, First Prize, Tom Howard Prize