Silvia Curbelo
Filed under: Authors

Silvia Curbelo is the author of a full-length collection of poems, The Secret History of Water (Anhinga Press, 1997), and two chapbooks, Ambush, winner of the 2004 Main Street Rag chapbook contest, and The Geography of Leaving (Silverfish Review Press). She has received poetry fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Florida Division of Cultural Affairs, the Cintas Foundation and the Writer's Voice, and was awarded the Jessica Noble Maxwell Memorial Poetry Prize from American Poetry Review. Her poems have been published widely in literary magazines, and in such anthologies as The Body Electric: America's Best Poetry from the American Poetry Review (W.W. Norton, 2001), Thirty Years of Anhinga Poets (Anhinga Press) and Poems, Poets, Poetry (St. Martin's Press, 2nd edition). A native of Cuba, Silvia lives in Tampa, Florida, and is managing editor for Organica magazine.
Winning Entry: Airborne
Contest Won: War Poetry Contest 2009, Honorable Mention