Stephanie Pushaw
Filed under: Authors

Stephanie Pushaw is a writer from Los Angeles. Her award-winning short stories and essays have been published in DIAGRAM, Narrative, Joyland, The Masters Review, Sundog Lit, and The Mississippi Review. In addition, she's written criticism and conducted interviews for The Believer and Los Angeles Review of Books. After obtaining an MFA in fiction from the University of Montana, supported by a Truman Capote Fellowship, Stephanie lived in Australia and New Orleans. Along with her dog and fiancé, she currently lives in Galveston, Texas, one of the most haunted cities in America, and is a Ph.D. candidate in creative writing at the University of Houston. Visit her on Instagram or her website.
Winning Entry: Whitney in the Real World
Contest Won: Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest 2021, Honorable Mention