Subscriber News: February 2025
Recent Honors
Congratulations to Angela Yuriko Smith. She was recently elected as the new president of the Horror Writers Association. Angela says, "It's an incredible honor to serve such a passionate community of writers, and I'm looking forward to contributing to the legacy of this organization." Among their other projects, the HWA sponsors the Bram Stoker Awards for horror writing in various genres, with an annual deadline of November 30, and the fan convention StokerCon, coming up in June in Stamford, CT. Angela wants writers to know about her website The Authortunities Hub, "a flywheel publishing system to empower authors to get their work out while training coaches so we have more people to help that cause." Check out their weekly calendar for authors on Substack. Her novel Inujini, which she published in 2024, follows three indigenous Ryukyuan women surviving sexual trauma and war in Okinawa.
Congratulations to Léonie Rosenstiel. Her memoir Protecting Mama: Surviving the Legal Guardianship Swamp has received numerous awards including three category finalist awards from the American Writing Awards, an honorable mention for memoir in the BookFest Book Awards, winner of the Chanticleer Journey Book Award for Nonfiction on Overcoming Adversity, third prize for narrative nonfiction in the Colorado Independent Book Association's CIPA-EVVY Awards, second prize in the Global Book Awards, four category first prize awards in the International Impact Book Awards, a Literary Titan Gold Book Award for Nonfiction, first prize in the New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards, four honors in the New Mexico Press Women Communications Contest, runner-up in memoir in the North American Book Awards, and the winner of the Regional-Southwest America-Nonfiction category of the StoryTrade Book Awards.
Congratulations to Gary Beck. His poetry collection Glimpses was released in January by Cyberwit.
Congratulations to Noah Berlatsky. His full-length collection of conceptual poetry, Meaning Is Embarrassing, was published by Ranger Press. Print copies cost $15, e-book downloads are free. In other news, his found-poem "Every Word That Comes Right Before An Exclamation Mark in Action Comics #1 by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster" was published in Oddball Magazine.
Recent Publications
Winning Writers Editor Jendi Reiter's review of AJ Romriell's memoir Wolf Act (University of Wisconsin Press, 2025), "Queer Mormon Joy Beyond the Fairy Tale", was published in The Rumpus on February 11.
Winning Writers critique editor Cheryl J. Fish will be teaching a Zoom workshop through the Hudson Valley Writers Center on Sunday, March 9, at 12:30pm EDT (note the change to Daylight Saving Time). "Prompt Festival: Spring Forward, Writers!" will use writing prompts and formal exercises to help you jump-start your projects for the new season.
CM Pickard's poem "Fishing for Teeth", a rhyming sestina, was published in The Raven Review. Visit her website for more of her work.
William Huhn's poetry collection Bachelor Holiday (BlazeVOX, 2024) received a starred review in Kirkus Reviews and was included on their Recommended list. Kirkus called it "an enthralling collection, with themes both grand and intimate and verses that pack a wallop of feeling". Verse Daily reprinted a poem from the book, "Ghost Church".
Duane L. Herrmann's poem "Who Am I Today" was published at Spillwords in January. Three of his stories were published in the story collection 'Abdu'l Bahá: Serving Humanity, a book for children and families about the founder of the Bahá'í faith. Another short story appeared in Harnisch Acres. His science fiction novel manuscript Earth to Makana: The Journey of a Planetary Pioneer is under consideration by Something Or Other Publishing and needs 950 reader votes to be offered a contract. Vote on their website.
Published: February 8, 2025