Sestina: Bruh!
You can correct the course anytime you want, bruh
All you gotta do is think it, bruh
And then, it'll, like happen, bruh
Seriously, bruh
You can totally get twisted in your head bruh
But there is a way out. I mean it, bruh.
All the things we choose to believe are bullshit! Bruh
It has nothing to do with the reality in front of us! Bruh
Take a step back and observe the bountiful beauty. Bruh
Look at the shining stars! Grasp the green grass! Bruh!
Do you see the absolute picturesque quality of this grass right now, bruh?
It is great! I love you bruh.
Normally I couldn't say this because of the callous cultural conditioning I received as a man bruh
But I love you. I want nothing but the absolute best for you because bruh—
You deserve it. I just feel absolute, unquestioning love for everyone bruh.
But sometimes I have this fear that people think I'm weird cause I care for them so much. Bruh!
I understand now. Fear is the enemy of love, bruh
That is it. The ultimate obstacle to the intimacy we seek is the fear we carry. Bruh!
Dance with me! Dance with me! Because bruh
Who knows how long we'll live? We so often miss the beauty of daily experience bruh
So why don't we relax, bruh?
See the shining stars. See how like them you shine on despite the darkness that surrounds, bruh
See that your natural way of being is to be like that star, always shining, always shining. Bruh!
We are always shining! That's what it is all about: the nature, the love bruh
And the love is the nature bruh!
But it is not the culture, bruh!
Our cultural conceptions cage us; they lock us away from the truth, bruh
The truth is that love is the innate incarnation of who we are. Bruh!
This loving iteration of ourselves is always there; continuously able to manifest, but bruh
It is not this love that we display—why bruh?
Because we are afraid, bruh!
What we project is a falsely sensationalized sitcom character bruh
A conception conceived for our protection bruh
We are afraid. But there is no reason to be afraid bruh
Because we are all like the branches of a tree. Bruh!
Imagine the ridiculousness of the branches failing to see that they are connected by the tree. Bruh
Imagine them fighting each other; failing to free themselves from their tragic misbelief. Bruh!
Imagine the hysterics you would be in once you saw that bruh.
Bruh, are you getting this? Bruh, are you asleep—bruh! Oh it's crazy bruh!
See the author read this poem: