The Rebellion of Jane
Most treasured parents, to you I send
This winged messenger
To deliver news that will (I am so very sure)
Fill your hearts with endless pride and never ceasing glee
I, thy one and only child, am pursuing poetry
What of college do you ask? It is ever so plain
Thy forty thousand dollars of tuition has not been in vain
For it is here that I have met my newest inspiration
A better man I'll never find (worry not that he is 57)
He hath had a lifetime so well spent
Protesting the establishment
He hath delivered me from social confines
—My bra and shoes are left behind
Tomorrow we flee this oppressive place
And skip like fairies to embrace—
The life of a revolutionary artist!
Where shall we live, dost thou wonder?
Good news you won't bemoan!
Tomorrow, oh beloved dad, I'll be moving home!
Dear Hugo says we'll need more space
Great poets always do...
Clean out the study; it is not much work
For he is coming too!
Be sure to buy organic foods; Hugo is fragile still
Don't pressure him about employment, dears; it will only make him ill
Our work is now the written word; delicious poetry
Worthy of inclusion in an expensive anthology
Assonance, writing and endless rhyming will be our constant task
Please keep out of our way; the lights all low
Is it really too much to ask?
(I know my writing soundeth strange, but you'll soon understand
that Elizabethan poetry is always in demand.)
Don't try to stop me, parents, dear or crush my fierce, free heart
It may seem like a sacrifice—but remember!
It is for the sake of art
Your bourgeois tendencies will not trap; my life is now my own
I'm eighteen—a woman; strong, free and independent
By the way dad; just a note to you about the rent...
(I know in your retirement fund, you and mom have plenty!)
Before I leave will you send at least another twenty?
I am changing my name to Fern Glow
Sent as a joke to