Untitled (“I like to abbreve…”)
I like to abbreve
Abbreves are spectac
Abbreves contain the elems
That other lit devices lack
Abbreving has some rules
For inst, syllables are import
Words that have only one
Aren't abbreved, but are already short
When a word can't be abbreved
Because its spelling is super comp
The ending must be changed
And sometimes it's imprompt
Take "precious" for examp
"Prec" would presumably work in its place
But since that is ambig
"Presh" wins the race
Rules of abbreving aside,
It's a fun and addictive way to speak
People think I contradict
When I correct their grammar mistakes
Abbreves can also be existent words
Like "disgust" and "annoy"
But people will likely know what you mean
What matters is that you enjoy
Abbreves can even involve two words
Or shortening an entire sent
Like "me too" into "meet"
Or "I can't handle that" into "I can't"
Abbreves are full of wond
And are becoming more widely used
But I am the true master
I started the revolush