Aubrey Sonnenschein
Filed under: Authors
![Aubrey Sonnenschein](/images/made/graphics/wergle/aubrey_sonenschein_400_sq_200_200_c1.jpg)
Aubrey Sonnenschein is an eighteen year old incoming freshman at the University of California Los Angeles. She sings and acts in her pastime, but plans to pursue criminology in accordance with neuroscience at college. Additionally, Aubrey enjoys writing short stories, poems, and personal analyses on worldly topics. She has gained recognition by teachers for creativity and passion in writing all throughout high school and will continue using her words to bless others as the years go on. She has only recently began partaking in online writing contests and will proceed to send in more as she writes them.
Winning Entry: Untitled (“I like to abbreve…”)
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2014, Honorable Mention