Untitled (“Marine salads…”)
Marine salads wrap around mine eyes
with their gentle gentleness
as I devour them with thou play-do
encrusted cloud of Sparta.
Two versatile pink pinkies explode thou
lungs when I breathe their succulence into
thou minotar of oodles.
Thou hast laminated mine soul with da
helium of urinating bananas.
If only joo knew how kerosene my Dr. Seuss
for joo saxophone, Shakira be.
Mine heart itches for da Venus of joo
Gilette. If I gave joo my type writer,
would joo give me joo flexnard resistant
goose of infinite RedBull?
I long for da pork chop of joo swimming
Hear my phytoplankton!
Joo know joo need its ten-da-ness!
All i ask is for da chromosome of joo
eyebrow clock as it whispers sweet warts
into my nostril.
Now, my cake of peanut butter flavored
boogers of remorseful strife, it is up to
joo to infiltrate my burning cyst of
incomprehensible soup.
Sent as a joke to The League of American Poets
This poem was written by a member of Sarah Ferguson's English class at Miami Springs Senior High School.