Andrew Marty
Filed under: Authors
Andrew's father Yuri writes, "Andrew was born on January 20, 2000 in Auckland, New Zealand. Like a typical two year old he enjoys running, painting and loves ball games. This was the first poem ever written by Andrew and he hasn't written one since. Andrew has not pinned his hopes on being a professional poet quite yet, first he would like to learn to read and write. (Although he sings quite amusing unintentional variations of nursery rhymes.) The honorable mention will provide much amusement and will take a place on his bedroom wall. I would have liked to have received an offer from to do a professional reading of his poem. I think that would have been worth paying for!"
Winning Entry: Dfnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Contest Won: Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest 2002, Honorable Mention