Arya Samuelson
Filed under: Authors

Arya Samuelson is a writer, editor, and teacher currently based in Northampton, MA. Her essay, "I Am No Beekeeper", was awarded New Ohio Review's 2023 Non-Fiction Prize and was chosen as Notable in Best American Essays 2024. Arya was awarded CutBank's Montana Prize in Non-Fiction, judged by Cheryl Strayed, and has been a semi-finalist for nonfiction contests by Black Warrior Review, CRAFT, Ninth Letter, and Sonora Review. Her work appears, or is forthcoming, in Fourth Genre, Bellevue Literary Review, Columbia Journal, New Delta Review, The Millions, and elsewhere. Arya is currently working on an ancestral novel and a memoir in lyric essays.
As a somatic practitioner-in-training, Arya is passionate about helping people to unearth the stories of their bodies and transform them into art. She has taught for a wide variety of literary organizations and guest lectured at Middlebury College. Arya also works as a full-time grant writer at an international non-profit and as a freelance developmental editor. When she isn't writing or working, Arya is making herbal medicines, singing Eastern European choral music, or scouting adorable dogs.
Winning Entry: I Am No Beekeeper
Contest Won: Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest 2024, Honorable Mention